Thursday, 30 January 2020

How the S.O.S. Call Originated

CAPE TIMES - 1924, May 27
The origin of the distress signal of ships at sea, now familiar to most people, has always caused considerable curiosity. The first suggestion of a distress call for ships was made by the Italian delegates at an early conference on wireless telegraphy, held in Berlin in 1903. These delegates urged the adoption of a universal signal, “SSSDDD,” to be sent by ships in distress. Shore stations and other ships, upon picking up such a signal would then stand by for further messages and suspend other communication immediately.
The final decision to adopt such a signal, however, was left to a special conference, but before anything came of it the Marconi Company, recognizing the need for a distress call, instituted on February 1, 1904, by general order, the famous call, “CQD,” on all their ships. This signal was a combination of the general call “CQ” coupled with the letter “D” to signify distress.
Only by the order of the captain of a ship in distress could it be used, or by a station retransmitting the signal. All stations were to recognize the urgency of the call and make every effort to establish satisfactory communication without delay. Several countries, including the United States, adopted “CQD,” and used it until the Berlin regulations were ratified.

At the Radio Telegraph Conference held in Berlin in 1906, the German government submitted a suggestion “that the ships in distressed will make use of the following special danger signal: . . . ― ― ― . . . (SOS).
Previously, German ships desiring to communicate with all vessels in their proximity, without knowing the names of calls, would send an inquiry signal, “SOE.” Germany planned to suggest this signal as the international signal, but as the last letter “E” represented in Morse by a single dot, was not believed sufficiently characteristic, the delegates in 1906 suggested the final letter as “S,” thereby having the honour to define what became the universal signal.
Whilst interpretations such as “Save Our Souls” and “Save Our Ship” should be accepted with reserve, there is this about it, that if these interpretations are not true, they are cleverly invented. In a similar manner the literal translations offered for “CQD” were
Come Quickly, Do,” and “Come Quick! Danger!”
The distress signal “SOS” was adopted officially and put into effect by the International Radiotelegraphic Convention of Berlin in July, 1908.
It was naturally a matter of keen regret to the Marconi operation that their old signal “CQD” was not adopted, and many continued to send “CQD” as well as “SOS” when accidents occurred. “CQD,” however, was gradually forgotten. In 1912 the USA adopted “SOS” when the international agreement was accepted.
It is pointed out that the signal today is “SOS” without space. The Morse man will readily understand the difference. 

Monday, 27 January 2020

Smile A While

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, December 16
Cabbages & Kings – By THE WALRUS
“I spent last summer in a very pretty city in Switzerland.”
“No, I almost froze.”

In some countries nowadays every man has the right of free speech so long as he doesn’t mind being shot.

Mother: “Johnny, you must not play the piano when daddy is sleeping.”
Johnny: “But, Mommy, I have gloves on.”

Policeman (to Christmas reveler trying to fit a key in lamp post):
“I don’t think there’s anyone home there to-night.”
“Mush be. There’ish a light upstairsh.”

“I’ve been trying to think of a word for two weeks.”
“What about fortnight?”

Spanish Flu (1918 - 1920)

CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 6 - 16
CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 6
The System recovers very slowly, owing to the gradual elimination of the poison with which it is filled. The quickest and most efficient way to get rid of the toxin is through the pores of the skin by the use of the Electric Light Bath, followed by Massage. Ask your doctor to prescribe this treatment and come to the Palace Baths, Markham’s Buildings, Adderley & Hout Streets, Cape Town.

CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 16

Beware of After Complications of Spanish Influenza
Doctors strongly advise the great necessity of building up the system with a reliable Tonic.
TAKE PHOSFERINE – This reliable and beneficial TONIC, renowned throughout the World, is supplied in liquid or tablet form by all Chemists and Stores.
Manufactures by Ashton & Parsons, Ltd., London, E.C.
CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 16

If attacked, place yourself in your doctor’s hands. If impossible, then act on advice outlined in the following unsolicited testimonial.
Stutterheim, 22nd Oct., 1918
Dear Sir, - I feel that I ought to let you know what a lot of good your Nerve-Pain Specific has done in our house for “Spanish Influenza.” I am recommending it to many. I can safely say it is just splendid. The only pity is that so few know of it as a cure for “Spanish Flu.” It simply cures a patient in 24 hours, it takes away the headache, pain in the limbs, and it also takes away the temperature.
I see you have it advertised as a cure for Influenza, but think you can safely say – also for “Spanish Influenza.” For the last 18 months or so I have always had it in the house for Headache and Toothache, and have always found it a certain cure for both.
A dealer writes: “Please send more Nerve-Pain Specific. It is taking a prominent part in coping with the Epidemic.”
CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 16
A remedy for the Cough is also needed, and for this we recommend “LALA’s COUGHCURO,” which is a stimulating expectorant, as advised by the medical authorities.
Nerve-Pain Specific price, 4/-, by post 4/6. LAL’S Coughcuro, price 1/6, by post 2/-
obtainable everywhere.
Health Medicine Co., Chemists, Adelaide, Cape Province.
Wholesale: Lennon Ltd., Petersen, Ltd., Heynes Mathew, Ltd., JW Jagger & Co., Cape Town

CAPE ARGUS - 1918, November 14
Whether you are suffering or recovering from the Influenza Epidemic Attack, NUTRINE – the Ideal Malted Food – gives you back your health. Easily Digested and Nourishing. Strengthens the Nerves and Restores Vitality.
Recommended by the Doctors and Official Medical Journals of South Africa.
Sold by all Chemists and Grocers.

DE VOLKSTEM - 1925, 12 Oktober
“Iemand, die nooit Influenza heeft gehad, kan niet beseffen dat lijden, dat erdoor veroorzaakt word en hoe deze kwaal elke geneeskundige behandeling trotseert. Ik weet niets, dat zo’n snelle verlichting geeft als Chamberlain’s Hoestmiddel, omdat, als men het heft gebruikt, de pijn in de borst verdwijnt, de koorts bedaart en het hele lichaam tot rust komt.
En daarbij komt, dat de gevolgen van Influenza dikwels zelfs nog meer te vrezen zijn als de ziekte zelf, maar ook deze kunnen vermeden worden als men CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REMEDY gebruikt. Ofschoon het grote gevaar van deze ziekte is, dat zij kan overgaan in longontsteking (Pneumonia), heb ik daarvan in geen enkel geval van Influenza gehoord, als Chamberlain’s Hoestmiddel was toegepast. De hardnekkige hoest, die dikwels een gevolg is van Influenza kan zeer vlug genezen worden door Chamberlain’s Hoestmiddel en men moet vooral niet zolang wachten, totdat de hoest gevaarlik wordt.
Die uwe voor gezondheid,

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

No Climate Change in South Africa

CAPE ARGUS - 1927, August 2
In this article, Dr. JR Sutton, of Kimberley, one of the foremost of the world's meteorologists, furnishes some interesting sidelights on the great drought.
There has been no change in the rainfall, and the climate of South Africa is what it has been for ages. "Our luck in the weather has been out" that is all. Rainmaking is pure quackery!
Drought in South Africa is no new thing. We have suffered badly enough from it in the past as we shall suffer again. In one sense there is drought over the greater part of the country every year, that is if we define the term in the way in which it is defined in the Meteorological Glossary issued by the Meteorological office in London: "Dryness due to lack of rain. According to the classification of the British Rainfall Organisation an absolute drought is a period of more than 14 consecutive days without one-hundredth of an inch of rain on any one day, and a partial drought is a period of more than 28 consecutive days the mean rainfall of which does not exceed .01 inch per day," - in other words a total fall of a quarter of an inch in a month would be a partial drought.
On this basis a place so well blessed with rain as Pretoria may be said to suffer from drought, absolute or partial, in the winter of almost every year. Also, in a season of good rains there may chance to be periods between the showers in which no rain in measurable quantity will fall for weeks together. 
As the term is generally understood up country, however, it implies a more or less lengthy period during which the fall is so much short of the average as not to be sufficient to grow the crops, or water the cattle, which do fairly well at other times; although there may not have been either sort of drought answering to the definitions. Anyway, definitions apart, there is no doubt that the Midlands, and beyond, have lately gone through an exceptionally bad time, and that conditions near to famine are abroad.
Naturally the cry that reverberates to the four winds, as it does every time that the rainfall is deficient, is that South Africa is drying up; and the rainmakers as usual muster on the horizon. "For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." 
But neither history nor statistics support the idea that the country is generally more arid than it has been for ages. Early travelers in the parts now so distressed have left vivid records of conditions quite as bad as anything that this generation knows. Latrobe described the district of "Uitenhagen," when he saw it in 1816, as the most barren, desolate, unpromising desert he had seen in all South Africa.
Not that he had a very high opinion of the rest of the country. He thought that it was, and always would be, little more than a wilderness. William Rogers, writing some 23 years ago, has told of the terrible state of things in 1859 when water was so scarce that the people of Port Elizabeth were paying as much as 2s. 6d. a bucketful. The bed of the Great Fish River was dry for miles. The Buffalo River had shrunk to a mere trickle. And so on.
But 1862 was still worse - "like which for severity nothing has been seen since." Thus, times in the Midlands have been, and doubtless at some future time will be, worse than the present. To tell the truth the people of South Africa, depending on the yield of the land, are living from hand to mouth. Though betimes seemingly in the midst of plenty they are, nevertheless, ever on the brink of famine. The reason is to be found in the latitude, which is responsible for the bright and sunny days we like to tell other folks about.
"Sun-kissed Kimberley Calls" sounds well enough as a title for the most attractive publicity booklet given to the world by any Union Town; but there are times - as in 1897 - when the call may be to heaven, and them heaven forgive the contributors (I was one myself) to that same booklet. It is our fortune - at times our misfortune - to be in the latitude of the southern anti-cyclone belt.
This belt extends right round the earth on or about 30 deg. of south latitude; it is a region of normally high barometric pressure and no great cloudiness. Where it crosses the land the margins as, say, at Durban and Buenos Aires, and a few mountainous districts. The rule is that the rainfall becomes more and more scanty, going across the continents from east to west. there is a corresponding belt north of the Equator.
All the hot deserts of the world lie under these belts, the worst being north of the line, because the land areas there spread more widely. The rainfall, such as it is, is of summer thunderstorms type for the most part, and it comes when weather conditions weaken the anti-cyclone influence for a while. When these conditions are unfavourable there is drought.
Speaking a large, conditions are more often favourable in summer than in winter over our eastern and midland districts, since in the warm months the anticyclone tends to shrink into subdivisions which retreat seawards. In winter there is little of such tendency. Of late, as it happens, the anticyclone has reigned almost supreme. Day after day for some months the barometer has, with a few slight exceptions, stood abnormally high for the season. North and east winds have prevailed, and very few welcome undercutting winds from the south have appeared. And so, the drought has continued. Fortunately, there are now some signs of improvement.
Anticyclones are not yet very well understood. The International Meteorological Conference has begun a worldwide study of temperature and pressure records which, doubtless, will clear up many difficulties. Meanwhile it seems clear that, in the first place, a shift of a few hundred miles north or south of the axis of the southern anticyclone belt in winter, or of the cores of its subdivisions in summer, makes all the difference in the resulting climatic conditions; giving, e.g., Kimberley in any one year a fall of 31 inches, and in another only 8; giving Aliwal North as much as 39 inches or as little as 11.
A similar phenomenon is known in temperature northern latitudes: a shift of a few hundred miles northward of the summer normal cyclone tracks meaning heavy rain to Scotland, but drought to England.
In the second place, the shifting of the belt, or its parts, is, probably, influenced, for our good or evil, by irregular changes in the state of the Antarctic ice field.
However, let us conclude on a brighter note. Our luck in the weather has been out, and that badly. But in the long run four out of every five seasons are good enough; and the evils of the odd fifth are largely of our own making; due to a pernicious optimism which takes no thought for the future in the light of the past. Overstocking and the ruthless cutting out of the thorn bush are, I am told, rampant everywhere. Hence, when the rains fall, we get no more than we deserve.
The assertion that the country has lost 30 million pounds by one season’s drought really means that farmers have been trying to make too much. Droughts are due to peculiarities of the atmospheric circulation over a whole hemisphere of the earth. They are not to be escaped; and the trumpery quack devices of the rainmaker against them are futile. But is unavoidable the time will come when their approach will be foretold months beforehand. That time will be when our politicians can be got to see that the problems of long-range weather forecasting is infinitely more important than the trifles they like to wrangle about.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Nursery Schools in Changing Social Conditions

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 16
The Cape Peninsula has had an enviable reputation for the quality of its schools since the days when the late Sir Thomas Muir was director of the Cape Education Department and brought highly trained teachers to the country to organize the schools and training colleges. Most of these teachers he imported from Scotland, where the standard of education was high, and the thoroughness of their methods soon made its mark on Cape education.
As the city has extended and its population increased the number of schools has multiplied accordingly. The decision to make the age of school attendance six and to start the Government schools at Standard 1 has led to the opening of a great number of private nursery and kindergarten schools. These have been opened in neighbourhoods where there are many households with young children. The children have not far to travel to school and their attendance is not the strain on the time of the parents that it would be at a central school.
The increase of quick traffic on the roads has made it impossible for young children to go unattended if the school is any distance from the home or if there are main thoroughfares to be crossed. These kindergarten schools frequently take the child to the third or fourth standard, and by that time the child’s traffic sense should be sufficiently trained to enable him to go back and forth to the high school in safety.
The nursery school for children from two years old to the kindergarten stage is something new and has been necessitated by our changing social conditions. Families are smaller than in the few generations previous and the mother’s interests are no longer bounded by her home and children. Many families live in flats or in small houses with gardens hardly adequate for play. Well-trained nursemaids are hard to come by and they are an expense that many families cannot afford.
To help parents out of all these difficulties the nursery school has come into fashion, and that it is likely to flourish must be the belief of the Society for the Protection of Child Life, which is opening a training school for nursery school teachers at the end of February.
The training school will be combined with a nursery school and both will be housed in a new building in the grounds of the Lady Buxton Home, Paradise Estate, Claremont.
Applications are invited from young women who wish to take the teacher’s course in pre-school education. The full course covers a period of three years, but this period may be shortened according to the educational qualifications of the applicant. The training course and syllabus has the approval and blessing of the Union Education Department. The fees for the student teachers are £21 a term and include the midday meal. Twelve students can be trained at the same time. The nursery school has accommodation for 40 children, who must be between the ages of two and six years. The school provides medical inspection and advice, well-balanced meals, sufficient daily rest, play facilities and companions of a like age.

Read more about LADY BUXTON HOME - one of the most established Educare and Pre-Primary Centres in the Peninsula, providing a safe, secure and structured environment in which the child is nurtured and allowed to develop holistically in order to reach its full potential -

Monday, 13 January 2020

Eggs – Almost Unavailable and then Enough to Export (1875 – 1939)

CAPE ARGUS - 1875, April 27 & 1939, December 19
Well, Marm, I have been all over the Town
And can’t buy Eggs for less than half a crown
The dozen, and run the chances of a Chicken.
Well, Mary, put on your bonnet quick,
And go to JEFFRIES, get a pack of Egg Powder made by BORWICK,
And as the time is short, and the S.E. blows hard,
You may not at SPOLANDERS’ get Fat, so bring a pound of Lard.
Egg Powder on sale at 41 Plein Street, Opposite Lelie Street, in a direct line with the Foundation Stone of the New Houses of Parliament, and the Time Ball of the Signal Hill, Cape Town.
(THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918, January 26)

The following recipe shows how an appetizing, wholesome cake can be made without expensive ingredients. In most recipes the number of eggs may be reduced one-half or more and often left out altogether by using an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. (The old method (fruit cake) called for 2 eggs.)
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1¼ cups water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup seeded raisins
½ teaspoon salt
2 ounces citron, cut fine
2 cups flour
⅓ cup shortening
5 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder
Boil sugar, water, fruit, shortening, salt and spices together in saucepan 3 minutes. When cool, add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Bake in loaf pan in moderate oven about 45 minutes.

New book of recipes which economize in eggs and other expensive ingredients mailed free.
Address P. O. Box 219, Cape Town.
Makes Home Baking Economical

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918, January 7

The Meat Shortage is becoming more acute. The Director of Meat Supplies announces a probable restriction by 25 percent in the supplies to butchers compared with October. It is believed the ultimate restriction will be 50 percent.
Lord Rhondda threatens to commandeer cattle if supplies are withheld. The control of the price of fish is fore-shadowed, especially of the kinds consumed by the poorer classes. - Reuter

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, December 19

It is understood that negotiations are proceeding between the British and Union Governments for the export of South African meat to the United Kingdom.
The export of large quantities is not expected, but the meat which is exported will be sent under improved conditions provided by the Meat Control Board.
It is stated on good authority that the exportable egg output of South Africa for the present season has been bought by Great Britain, as well as the exportable output of butter and cheese up to March 31, 1940.
In addition to Britain’s participation in the South African wool market it is understood that it is also supporting the Union maize market.
During the present record season, which has provided an exportable surplus of maize of nearly 1,500,000 tons, the British Government has been the principal buyer through the Maize Control Board. – Sapa-Reuter. 

MONTESSORI Children's House, Garden School & Preparatory School in Cape Town

CAPE TIMES - 1924, & CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 18
Boys and Girls from 2 years of age taken for any length of time to suit Parents and Guardians.
Simple, natural, happy home life. Suitable food and healthy conditions, combined with modern education, under the direct care of the PRINCIPAL and TRAINED NURSE.
Children attending other Schools also taken as Boarders.
School for Morning Scholars & Day Boarders.
Full responsibility taken of Children whose Parents wish to go to the Empire Exhibition.
Re-opening: April 8.
Two References required.
Phone 1031 Claremont
For particulars apply:
Grove Road, Rondebosch

Where can we place our children knowing that they will be properly, scientifically and judiciously cared for? 
At some time or another this problem faces most parents, when it becomes necessary through illness or travel for parents and children to be separated. It is difficult to find a place for the children that captures the home atmosphere, that does not close during holidays, and where one may leave children with the absolute assurance that they will be cared for with attention only second to that one gives them oneself. Little Guests and Big Guests of 2 years to 16 years.

THE MONTESSORI Preparatory School for Day Scholars and Boarders is the ideal place for boys and girls. There is a school attached for primary aged children, while older children attend schools in the immediate vicinity. The Principal of the MONTESSORI is MISS MARRIOTT, who has made a special study of Child Nature and Psychology, assisted by trained nurses and assistants.
“Balgay,” Main Road, Wynberg, Cape Town
Phone 7-4490
Write for illustrated brochure.

(CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 18)

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Glasses for Ladies

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1925, January 27
Vrouens is meestal daarteen om brille te dra, al is dit nog so nodig vir hulle gesondheid. Die juiste brille is nooit lelik nie. Net soos die glase presies dit moet gee wat u oë nodig het, so moet ook die maat en vorm (die styl) van die raam by u persoonlikheid pas.
Brillemakers & Eerste klas bediening
113 Pretoriusstraat

Usually women are against wearing glasses, even if it is necessary for their health. The right glasses are never ugly. Just as the lenses should give exactly what your eyes need, so should the size and shape (style) of the frame match your personality.
Opticians & First-Class service
113 Pretorius Street

Be a Sincere Follower of Christ

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 28
Lines from Sunday's Service
“We are told that when the soldiers came to take Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter drew his sword and wounded the servant of the High Priest. Here we have an instance of an outsider being wounded by a follower of Christ. Is not the same done today? By our actions and words, we often wound the outsider. The greatest force in India today, Gandhi, might have been a Christian if it was not for the way he was treated by supposed Christians when he visited this country some years ago. There are many people outside the Christian Church today who should be inside, because they have been put off and disgusted by the lives lived by so-called Christians.” – The Rev. Norman H. Pike, Methodist Minister, Woodstock.

Big Fish in False Bay

CAPE TIMES - 1933, August 5
For the first time for a month, a few big fish are coming into False Bay. This week motor-boats have been landing a few snoek. The fishermen hope they are the forerunners of bigger shoals. They are being caught well out beyond Smitswinkel and towards Cape Point. So far none has been taken at any of the inside marks in False Bay, where the boats are catching pangaes, white stumpnose and silverfish, or red roman and hottentots among the rocks. Taken all round, fishing is poor, except that fair numbers of very small fish can be obtained.
The area behind Roman Rock Lighthouse is about as good a spot as anywhere. It is best to fish right at the bottom, using red bait, fairly light tackle and small hooks on gut traces. Fishing nearer the surface with a drift line, some nice dassies and a few galjoen should be picked up. This way doges the very small fish. Red roman are now plentiful and in fine condition. Fine catches are being made near the lighthouse and another good ground is the off-shore area between Beacon Rock and Miller’s Point. It is best to fish close to the “blinders” about 200 yards off-shore and change position as soon as biting eases off. Red bait is recommended, but roman will also take chokka or sea-cat at times.
Galjoen are not plentiful, but a few fine ones are being taken among the off-shore reefs, where dassies are also biting. Off the Simon’s Town dock entrance a few gournads are being caught and right inside the bay white stumpnose are to be found. Rock anglers should find red roman giving good sport pretty well all round the coast. At the proper rocks galjoen, dassies and wildepaard are also biting. Smitswinkel Bay, Paulsberg and the rocks near Blue Gums are all worth a visit. Rocklands Point and Castle Rock should also be putting up some good roman as well as chance of galjoen.
The Atlantic coast is providing good spores with galjoen, while white stumpnose are reported to be biting well towards evenings in the surf near Witsands. Anglers after galjoen may also try right in the surf running in on the beaches. Red bait must be used. When casting into the surf a fairly heavy sinker is necessary to keep a tight line. Surf fishing for galjoen requires practice to attain proficiency.
When a fish has been hooked the waves should be used to help work it towards the shore. A tight reel when the backwash is running will often mean a lost fish or broken tackle. The coast line between Simon’s Town and Fish Hoek is fairly quiet, but those who know the game can pick up a few galjoen or dassies at the Glencairn bathing pool, opposite the quarry (also good for red roman), and near Sunny Cove.

Read more about Jenna Etheridge's article about the Great White Shark that was spotted this week in False Bay:

Monday, 6 January 2020

RIMMEL'S Choice Perfumery

CAPE ARGUS - 1875, March 6

RIMMEL’S Choice Perfumery – patronized by all the World.
  • RIMMEL’S Etoile du Nord, Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Bridle, Ihlang-Ihlang, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other Perfumes of Exquisite fragrance.
  • RIMMEL’S Lavender Water – distilled from Micham Flowers, and Improved Florida Water.
  • RIMMEL’S Toile Vinegar – celebrated for its useful and sanitary properties.
  • RIMMEL’S Extract of Lime Juice and Glycerine – the best preparation for the Hair, especially in warm climates.
  • RIMMEL’S Aquadentine – for whitening the Teeth, refreshing the mouth, and purifying the Breath.
  • RIMMEL’S Glycerine, Honey, Windsor and other Toilet Soaps.
  • RIMMEL’S Rose Water, Costume, Fan, Conversation, and Floral Crackers – very amusing for Parties
  • RIMMEL’S Violet, Rose-Leaf, Rice, Velvetine and other Toilet Powders.

A liberal allowance to shippers. Trade list at 96, Strand.
Eugéne Rimmel, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales
96, Strand Street
128, Regent Street
24, Cornhill Street, London
17, Boulevard de Italiens, Paris
6, King’s Road, Brighton
Sold by all Perfumery Vendors.

Sunday, 5 January 2020


CAPE ARGUS - 1939, December 28
Tents have been pitched on many a beach and beside many a stream in the Cape this week. Country offices have been closed until after the New Year. Farmers have left their homesteads with their families and trekked to the sea. Thousands are living in the open air. Bain’s Kloof is popular with motorists and campers. Mountaineers, who are among the hardiest of the holidaymakers, are toiling up in the old trails or finding peaks they have never climbed before. Though there is no local Matterhorn or Mont Blanc, the general standard of mountaineering in the Cape is regarded as equal to anything Switzerland can offer.
Table Mountain, by the more difficult routes, tests the endurance of the most experienced climbers. Within a few hours’ motoring are other great ranges offering every type of adventure on the heights. It is still possible to find buttresses which have never been climbed. The mountaineer who discovers a new route feels the pride of the achievement.

Fishermen, too, are enjoying more sport than at any other time of the year. The rivers of the Cape are now well stocked with trout, tench and bass – good to catch and pleasant to eat. River fishermen are content with fish weighing only a few pounds. It has been said that the fascination consists of nine parts anticipation and one part realization.

Sun & Surf at Muizenberg (CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 3)
National roads have been brought new pleasures within easy reach of the Cape Town motorist with only a day or two to spare. The wise traveler never forgets his bathing trunks; for there are beaches far from the sea with sandy “Lidos” close to magnificent stretches of fresh water. The FOLD-UP CANOE has added greatly to the enjoyment of such places. Determined motorists will drive as far north as the Orange River in search of peaceful camping grounds remote from the city. The Aughrabies Falls, as memorable as the Victoria Falls, will be seen by many visitors. 

All along the coast of the Cape, bays and villages will be crowded with people seeking the refreshment of the sea, as at MUIZENBERG

A portion of the crowd of 11,600 who watched the cricket test at NEWLANDS.
(CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 3)


The Cape has always made a festival of the New Year, as a contrast with the quiet of Christmas. Guns were fired from the Castle in Dutch East India Company’s days to mark the passing of the old year and the arrival of the new year. The ship’s in the bay joined in the salute, while on shore people discharged muskets and pistols while the church bells rang. Shops were closed, and even the slaves paraded the streets joyfully.
Today the “riot, noise, and drunkenness” of a century or more ago are not so much in evidence. High spirits remain, and the New Year is still welcomed with revelry.

Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...