Wednesday 8 July 2020

Lifebuoy Soap for Clean Hands

CAPE TIMES - 1924, April 10
One hand after another …. 
Up and down the handrails of stairs in shops, factories, offices, railway stations, healthy hands, unhealthy hands, follow each other in continuous procession.
These hands need something more than cleanliness alone to protect them from the dust-laden germs of disease. They need the antiseptic protection which comes with the cleanliness of Lifebuoy Soap.
From the handrail to other parts of the body, the arms and face; from the handrail to the chubby cheek of an infant, to the curly head of a child; from the handrail to the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the articles we use –
There is no limit to the reasons for the use of Lifebuoy Soap, morning, noon and night.
It keeps the skin antiseptically clean and protected. It is an ideal Toilet Soap from the point of view of hygiene. Its lather is fresh, free, invigorating.
Lifebuoy Soap – The LEVER on Soap is a Guarantee of Purity and Excellence.

Here's some information from Lifebuoy to help you stay one step ahead. 

Tuesday 7 July 2020

What Kind of Soup shall I serve?

CAPE TIMES – 1933, Aug. 30 & Sept. 11    
THE STAR Johannesburg – 1935, July 8 & 10
CAPE TIMES – 1933, August 30
All HEINZ Home-made Style Soups are prepared ready to serve and have the appetizing nourishment of fresh vegetables and other first-quality ingredients.
DELICIOUS flavours to choose from:
*  Cream of Tomato
*  Cream of Asparagus
*  Cream of Celery
*  Cream of Oyster
*  Cream of Green Pea
*  Cream of Mushroom
*  Cream of Spinach
*  Vegetable
*  Mock Turtle
*  Beef Broth
*  Noodle Soup
*  Pepper Pot
*  Mutton Broth
*  Gumbo Creole
*  Bean soup
*  Onion Soup
*  Consommé
*  Clam Chowder
*  Scotch Broth

Choose one of the four 
CAPE TIMES – 1933, September 11
HEINZ Homes-style Soups:
Slow-simmered Chicken Broth with various vegetables and delightful spices.
Carefully chosen mushrooms chopped fine to yield full flavor, cooked in rich thick cream.
A humble vegetable transformed into an irresistibly delightful soup. Now everybody, man and child, will like spinach.
Full-flavoured chicken broth with ribbon noodles and dainty bits of chicken.

THE STAR Johannesburg – 1935, July 8 Discover
Discover for yourself the real goodness of HEINZ Cream of Tomato Soup.
Complete, Ready to Heat and Eat!

THE STAR Johannesburg – 1935, July 10
HEINZ Cream of Spinach Soup is nothing short of splendorous – piquant, charming, salubrious, sublime! Spinach is rushed fresh from the gardens, thoroughly washed, steam-cooked, combined with rich cream, delicately seasoned and carefully simmered.

Monday 6 July 2020

MAXIM High Grade Clothing

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6 & 20
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6
Sir Robert Horne, the President of the Board of Trade, says that next winter worsted suits of the best quality will cost 20 guineas, but, much to the relief of the average man, he adds that clothes of good and sound quality will be obtainable at lower prices. 
In New York, a suit of best quality British-made cloth costs £60, in Paris £52 10s., Berlin £200 and Montreal £35.
We bought heavily twelve months ago, when many others were afraid. Consequently, today we are able to offer exceptional values in tailoring.
Lounge suits from 11 Guineas available in 3 Johannesburg Shops.
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 20

Can you afford to disregard your appearance? Think it over carefully. A well-dressed man commands immediate attention, and this attention often provides the first step toward success.
You are cordially invited to inspect the latest designs in Glen Urquhart Checks at 3 MAXIM shops in Johannesburg. The Sauer’s Buildings Branch will remain open on Wednesday Afternoons.

Friday 3 July 2020

100 years ago: Motor Cars in South Africa

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 15 & 22
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 15

Fitted with every refinement, beautiful in appearance, strong and reliable. Available at Johannesburg Motor Mart, Rissik & Marshall Streets, Johannesburg

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 22
11˙9 BEAN - The Leader of its Class
The 11˙9 Bean is built on very robust lines to give long and faithful service to its owner even under the most arduous conditions. Hills and bad roads hold no terrors for the Bean. The highly-efficient 11˙9 engine develops more than ordinary power for its size, the springs are large and designed to withstand hard wear, the road clearance ample. One of the finest factories is responsible for its production, and modern manufacturing methods for its very moderate price.
Four cylinder monobloc engine, 69 x 120 mm. Pressure fed lubrication. Zenith carburetor. HT Magneto ignition. Thermo syphon cooling. Leather to metal cone clutch. Three-speed and reverse. Bevel drive. Detachable wheels. Electric starting and lighting.
Chassis £450.   
Standard two-seater £600.   
Four-seater Open Touring Car £650.   
Two-seater Coupe £750. 
Two-seater Coupe £825.
A Harper, Sons & Bean, Ltd. – Works: Dudley, Tipton, and Smethwick, England
Sales organization: British Motor Trading Corporation Ltd.

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 22

Power on Hills is a distinguishing feature of the new “Wolseley” Fifteen. On ordinary inclines gear-changing is unnecessary, whilst the steepest gradient can be faced with easy confidence.
For a catalogue, write to 
*  Wolseley Motors (SA) Ltd. (Proprietors: Vickers, Ltd.)  - Globe House, 5 Hout Street, Cape Town
*  Johannesburg Motor Mart, Ltd. – Rissik Street, Johannesburg

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 22

REO Light ‘Six’
The Epitome of Reo Experience. Gracefully balanced on long, low, resilient springs, the new REO Light Six represents the newest ideas in Motor Car Manufacturers.
For particulars and a trial run, Apply to DH Saker & Co. – Johannesburg & Port Elizabeth
Natal Motor Industries – Durban, Natal

Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...