Thursday, 9 January 2020

Big Fish in False Bay

CAPE TIMES - 1933, August 5
For the first time for a month, a few big fish are coming into False Bay. This week motor-boats have been landing a few snoek. The fishermen hope they are the forerunners of bigger shoals. They are being caught well out beyond Smitswinkel and towards Cape Point. So far none has been taken at any of the inside marks in False Bay, where the boats are catching pangaes, white stumpnose and silverfish, or red roman and hottentots among the rocks. Taken all round, fishing is poor, except that fair numbers of very small fish can be obtained.
The area behind Roman Rock Lighthouse is about as good a spot as anywhere. It is best to fish right at the bottom, using red bait, fairly light tackle and small hooks on gut traces. Fishing nearer the surface with a drift line, some nice dassies and a few galjoen should be picked up. This way doges the very small fish. Red roman are now plentiful and in fine condition. Fine catches are being made near the lighthouse and another good ground is the off-shore area between Beacon Rock and Miller’s Point. It is best to fish close to the “blinders” about 200 yards off-shore and change position as soon as biting eases off. Red bait is recommended, but roman will also take chokka or sea-cat at times.
Galjoen are not plentiful, but a few fine ones are being taken among the off-shore reefs, where dassies are also biting. Off the Simon’s Town dock entrance a few gournads are being caught and right inside the bay white stumpnose are to be found. Rock anglers should find red roman giving good sport pretty well all round the coast. At the proper rocks galjoen, dassies and wildepaard are also biting. Smitswinkel Bay, Paulsberg and the rocks near Blue Gums are all worth a visit. Rocklands Point and Castle Rock should also be putting up some good roman as well as chance of galjoen.
The Atlantic coast is providing good spores with galjoen, while white stumpnose are reported to be biting well towards evenings in the surf near Witsands. Anglers after galjoen may also try right in the surf running in on the beaches. Red bait must be used. When casting into the surf a fairly heavy sinker is necessary to keep a tight line. Surf fishing for galjoen requires practice to attain proficiency.
When a fish has been hooked the waves should be used to help work it towards the shore. A tight reel when the backwash is running will often mean a lost fish or broken tackle. The coast line between Simon’s Town and Fish Hoek is fairly quiet, but those who know the game can pick up a few galjoen or dassies at the Glencairn bathing pool, opposite the quarry (also good for red roman), and near Sunny Cove.

Read more about Jenna Etheridge's article about the Great White Shark that was spotted this week in False Bay:

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