Monday 6 July 2020

MAXIM High Grade Clothing

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6 & 20
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6
Sir Robert Horne, the President of the Board of Trade, says that next winter worsted suits of the best quality will cost 20 guineas, but, much to the relief of the average man, he adds that clothes of good and sound quality will be obtainable at lower prices. 
In New York, a suit of best quality British-made cloth costs £60, in Paris £52 10s., Berlin £200 and Montreal £35.
We bought heavily twelve months ago, when many others were afraid. Consequently, today we are able to offer exceptional values in tailoring.
Lounge suits from 11 Guineas available in 3 Johannesburg Shops.
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 20

Can you afford to disregard your appearance? Think it over carefully. A well-dressed man commands immediate attention, and this attention often provides the first step toward success.
You are cordially invited to inspect the latest designs in Glen Urquhart Checks at 3 MAXIM shops in Johannesburg. The Sauer’s Buildings Branch will remain open on Wednesday Afternoons.

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