THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6 & 20
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1920, July 6 |
In New York, a suit of best quality British-made cloth costs £60, in Paris £52 10s., Berlin £200 and Montreal £35.
We bought heavily twelve months ago, when many others were
afraid. Consequently, today we are able to offer exceptional values in
Lounge suits from 11 Guineas available in 3 Johannesburg
Can you afford to disregard your appearance? Think it over carefully. A well-dressed man commands immediate attention, and this attention often provides the first step toward success.
You are cordially invited to inspect the latest designs in
Glen Urquhart Checks at 3 MAXIM shops in Johannesburg. The Sauer’s Buildings
Branch will remain open on Wednesday Afternoons.
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