Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Durban becomes a City

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, August 2
There was a distinguished gathering at the Durban City Hall when an extraordinary meeting of the City Council was held to mark the attainment of the status of a city by the Borough of Durban. The right was conferred on Durban to call itself a city by a recent ordinance of the Provincial Council after an application by the Town Council.
At this morning’s ceremony the Mayor, Dr. S. Copley, described the rapid growth of Durban from a few shacks on a sandy waste 100 years ago to the flourishing industrial and commercial centre of today. He declared that the strongest foundation the city could be built on was that of diversified industrial interests.
A resolution to the King was passed.

Durban Yachting and Boating
CAPE TIMES - 1924, May 29
Not the least of Durban’s many attractions is the Bay which at all times affords delightful diversion and upon which many happy hours can be spent. Whether one’s fancy inclines to yachting, rowing, motorboat cruising or fishing, all are ready at hand.

Durban has an incomparable stretch of sheltered and almost land-locked water of some eight square miles for the indulgence of these sports. The Bay’s surface is gay with the white wings of yachts, motorboats moving swiftly to and fro, the contests of oarsmen, in pairs, fours and eights, the rowing or motorboats of fishermen scouting from one favourite spot to another in great expectation of landing a “bender” before the day is done or the recreation of those, less professional, who are content with a quiet sail or row on its sunny waters.
Read more about the Bluff, Victoria Embankment (Esplanade), Congella where a large area of swampy ground has been reclaimed for many industries and manufactories, Salisbury Island, Motor launches between the Esplanade and the Island, the Bay for surfing, rock fishing or yachting competitions between the Royal Natal Yacht Club, the Point Yacht Club and the other leading Clubs of the Union.

Durban Paper Mill Project
CAPE TIMES - 1933, September 27
The proposal to erect a £300 000 paper mill on the banks of the Umgeni River is still the subject of keen controversy in Durban.
The site is on the south bank of the Umgeni in the same area as the Country Club and the aerodrome, and although there are industries on both sides of the railway line, the Town Council has contemplated the development of the area as a recreation ground.
Durban is keen on having the factory which will use bagasse, a waste product from the sugar mills, but there is a strong body of opinion against the Council allowing it to interfere with its policy of zoning.
In a statement today, Mr. Graham MacKeurtan, who is chairman of the Natal Estates, Ltd., the company responsible for the proposed industry, emphasized that the Umgeni site was the only suitable site within economic distance of Mount Edgecombe, whence the bagasse will come, and with the necessary quantity of water.
“I can say definitely that our expert advice compels us to the view that if we cannot get this site, we shall not be able to establish the industry in Natal,” said Mr. MacKeurtan.
He disclosed that the company had been experimenting on papermaking for four years, and had spent thousands of pounds on the project.

Crowd at Greyville for the July Handicap
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, July 8

An impression of the crowd at the Greyville racecourse on Saturday during the parade of horses before the running of the Durban July Handicap. The sky was overcast and the day was cold, but luckily the rain held off until after the big race. It is estimated that the attendance was in the neighbourhood of 30 000.

Durban Airport
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, August 2
Durban Airport at the time of the July Handicap, with a host of aerial visitors. Though it has been abandoned by the South African Airways headquarters staff,   Stamford Hill is still one of the great termini of the air.

Durban The Point
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, August 3
The new club-house of the Point Yacht Club, Durban, opened today, is an ultra-modern building, as may be seen from the photograph, taken at low tide in the Bay. The Durban Rowing Club headquarters are shown in the right background.

Stormy Seas at Durban
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, August 19
A high wind, blustering along the coast caused heavy seas at Durban over the week-end, and the port authorities had an anxious time. On the right of this photograph is the Baron Maclay, whose mooring chain broke, causing her to drift on to the Manila, shown on the left. The anchor cable of the Baron Maclay is seen on the right, and beyond that is the stern of a tug, one of four shich tried unsuccessfully to haul off the Baron Maclay. Next to the mast of the Manila can be seen the jib of a floating crane which, with a barge, were lodged between the two boats, a move which prevented damage.

Stormy seas at Durban
CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 5
Pounded by heavy seas during the Christmas and New Year holidays, a great deal of Durban’s beach has again disappeared into the Indian ocean. This picture shows how the sea has battered the promenade and made of the sand a miniature cliff.

Hotter in Durban
CAPE ARGUS - 1939, February 6
It’s hotter in Durban than it is in Cape Town, with the result that these children are allowed to attend classes dressed merely in bathing trunks or short trousers. “They work better like this,” their teacher declares.

Keeping fit on Durban beach
CAPE ARGUS - 1939, December 20
Keeping fit on Durban Beach: Scenes like this take place on the beach at Durban every morning now that physical culture classes have been started under the auspices of the Municipal Entertainments Department.

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Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...