Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Happy Pictures taken at Prince Charles’s Third Party

CAPE TIMES – 1951, November 17
Photographs published throughout the British Press today are the first pictures of the King issued since his lung operation over seven weeks ago. Their appearance has renewed in every part of the country expressions of warm thankfulness for the King’s steady return to good health.
His evident enjoyment of the occasion as he listens to Prince Charles tell ‘grandfather’ all about his third birthday has been noted with delight by a public which had become used to a mental picture of the King as a sick man whose recovery must necessarily be slow and gradual.
These pictures, taken by a photographer of THE TIMES on behalf of all the British Press, were taken by Royal command.
They show the King and Queen with Prince Charles and Princess Anne in the Bow Room at Buckingham Palace, where – also at the special request of the King – Prince Charles’s birthday party was held this year in order that his grandfather could be present.
THE TIMES itself today publishes these pictures to the exclusion of all other illustrations and other leading British daily newspapers print them across the whole width of the front page and treat their appearance as the day’s most important news.
The DAILY EXPRESS describes them as ‘two pictures to delight all Britain,’ and the DAILY HERALD heads them: ‘The King, well again, has a party.’ For two hours the King took a full part in the Royal Family’s enjoyment of the occasion without a sign of fatigue. 
Although the photographs show the King rather thinner than in many pictures taken before his illness became so pronounced during the summer, it is acknowledged that he looks much better than most people had dares to expect in view of the seriousness of his operation. 
The photographer who took these pictures afterwards told the DAILY HERALD: ‘If I had not known, I should never have thought the King had just been so ill. He did not look ill at all. He was laughing and chatting happily with the Queen and Prince Charles, spoke to me often, and made no reference at all to his operation. He moved freely about the room, apparently without pain. He never faltered nor asked for help in getting up. He did not need a stick for moving about, and he did not move slowly either. No doctors or nurses were in the room.’  

Read more about the British Royal Family Tree: 

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