Tuesday, 9 July 2019

CAPE PENINSULA - one of the most beautiful corners of the earth.

DE VOLKSTEM - 1925, 12 October
THE CAPE TIMES - 1933, 10 July
Travelers renowned for their wide experience, amply witnessed that the CAPE PENINSULA is one of the beautiful corners of the earth. Sir FRANCIS DRAKE, the great Elizabethan navigator, wrote: “This Cape is a most stately thing, and the fairest Cape we saw in the whole circumference of the Earth.” 300 years later FROUDE, the essayist, declared: “In all the world there is perhaps no city so beautifully situated as Cape Town.” During his first visit to the Cape in 1925, The Prince of Whales said: “It is indeed a happy circumstance that this city, so rich in historical associations, should be set in such beautiful surroundings, and the impression made on the traveler when the full majesty of TABLE BAY is revealed to him for the first time is one that must remain with him all his life.” Five years later His Royal Highness returned to the Peninsula on a holiday tour.
The Cape has a regular season but midsummer brings the gay crowds. Even during winter, with mist shrouding TABLE MOUNTAIN, the wooded lanes of the suburbs and the old city squares are appealing. 

Winter visitors may find INFORMATION about the ENTERTAINMENTS and ATTRACTIONS that the CAPE PENINSULA offers.

The Entrance Gates to the CASTLE, one of the most interesting historic sights of Cape Town. The LIONS on top of the gates are the work of ANTON ANREITH.

The Statue of JAN VAN RIEBEECK, founder of the Settlement at the Cape in 1652. This statue stands at the PIER GATES. It was the gift of the late Mr. CECIL RHODES to the City. The figure is the work of Mr. JOHN TWEED, of London. 

During the pleasant months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER special tariffs will enable people to visit CAPE TOWN by TRAIN or by BOAT. Enjoy the GALA SEASON with PROCESSIONS, CARNIVALS, EXHIBITIONS, SPECIAL RACES, DANCES, ETC. 
You don’t want to miss this this opportunity! 

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Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...