Tuesday, 3 March 2020


Harley-Davidson: 1918 - 1928
We have beautiful Harley-advertisements in newspapers dating back from 1918 – 1928. Interesting to see how they advertise these cycles:

(1918, January 10, The Star Johannesburg)
The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Magnificent.
Start the New Year well – get a big brown Harley – let it take you wherever you want to go, whenever you want to go. With a three speed electrically equipped Harley-Davidson you will be absolutely right for a glorious and happy year, Sundays – Holidays – Half-days – and Evenings this big brown bike will be your willing servant, ready for a trip – ten miles or a hundred miles – up hills, through sand – it’s all the same to the Harley.
Come in and give us an opportunity to tell and show you what a Harley-Davidson will do for you. If you cannot call, write for catalogue.
Imperial Motor Supply Company, Johannesburg or
Haak & Zoon, Pretoria

(1918, March 27 - The Star Johannesburg)

1918 Harley-Davidsons showing for the first time in South Africa at Stands 19 & 20 at Consolidated Motor, Ltd., Johannesburg
These are the Big Brown Bikes of unmatched speed and power – the mounts so many riders have been waiting for. Are you one of many? In any case we hope you will make a special point of seeing the new Harley – quality’s limit – at Stands 19 and 20.

(1918, November 18 - Cape Argus)

Whether you ride for BUSINESS or for PLEASURE – in town or out of town – once a week or every hour of the day – ride the big, 3 speed Harley-DaviDons – and ride with unmatched comfort, ease, confidence and economy.
May we send you a catalogue?
The Southern Motors & Supplies Ltd., Cape Town

(1925, 8 Oktober - De Volkstem)

Die Harley bring U heen en trug, vir Plesier of vir werk, langsaam of vlug!
Mnr. Stadsman, het U ooit uitgedink hoeveel U wel uitgee aan reisgeld, en nadat U alles betaal het, U net enkel gebruiklike kaartjies kan laat sien? Reken dit uit en U sal uitvind dat U ‘n Harley-Davidson kan besit en ry vir nie meer dan dit U nou kos om na en uit die stad te gaan, en dink dan aan die heerlike week-eindes en vakansie-dae wat U sal hê. Daar is g’n end aan al die plesier wat U uit ‘n Harley kan kry.
Mnr. Boer, het dit ooit by U opgekom wat dit sou meen om ‘n Harley in U skuur te hê – die verre grense word gemaklik bereikbaar – U uitstappies na die stad is goedkoop en fluks – dit bring U op die plek om oor sake te onderhandel sonder enige las of moeilikheid – sy waarde vir U in L.S.D. is onbeperk – sy prys is baie billik en terme kan gereël word wat dit baie gemaklik vir U maak om te koop.
Waarom sou U hieromtrent g’n navraag doen nie? Die Bartle Moter Organisasie - Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Bloemfontein, Oos-Londen, Durban, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth

(1928, July 6 - Cape Times)

The Sportsman and his Harley!
After a strenuous game of golf, he mounts his machine – sinks into the ever-comfort-giving saddle – starts her up, and glides off with the ease and smoothness of a flying bird.
Such are the comforts of a 2¾ Model Harley-Davidson and they’re not so expensive either!
For full particulars apply to Southern Motors & Supplies Ltd., Cape Town

Sabrina Giacomini has interesting information about 2020's new Harley-Davidson models at https://www.rideapart.com/articles/400398/2021-harley-davidson-bronx-overview/

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