Saturday, 9 November 2019

Wine Exports to Sweden

CAPE TIMES – 1933, August 8
Sweden’s increased imports of South African Wines, referred to by the Union Trade Commissioner in Sweden, are attributed by the K.W.V. officials to the fact that South Africa has concentrated on supplying genuine wines of the Cap Constantia type.
Germany had for many years exported large quantities of wine, known as Cap Constantia, to Sweden one of the officials told the Paarl representative of the Cape Times yesterday. This variety, however, was a concoction of cheap Continental wines mixed with a small blend of South African Cap Constantia.
As the result of a report received by the K.W.V. from the Union Trade Commissioner in Great Britain, the K.W.V. had concentrated on supplying the genuine article direct to Sweden. This South African wine had no difficulty in ousting the Continental brands, and the Union’s exports increased last year by 365 percent, while the German wine manufacturers and exporters had lost 45 percent of their wine trade with Sweden.
Whereas German exported 86 229 litres to Sweden in 1931, this figure dropped to 47 587 litres that year. On the other hand, South African exports to that country increased of 1 litre, or .22 gallons a day.
Although this was only the K.W.V.’s second year of export to Sweden, the market had assumed large dimensions and was still expanding. South Africa now ranks third on the list of wine exporters to Sweden. Portugal still leads with an export of 1 588 864 litres while Spain is the runner-up with 413 229 litres.
The Portuguese exports to Sweden have, however, diminished by 36 percent, while the Spanish trade has suffered a decrease export of 30 percent. The only other country, besides South Africa, that showed an increased export of wines to Sweden was Italy, who last year consigned and sold 40 percent more wine on the Swedish market than during 1931.
The wine exports from Greece to Sweden in 1932 decreased by 63 percent. The French market in in Sweden showed the lowest decrease, of only 2 percent.

Read more about the Press Release: Wines of South Africa Export Report 2018 

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