Saturday, 9 November 2019

LACTOGEN – the Natural Milk Food

CAPE TIMES – 1933, August 10
There’s a lot of life in a baby, and it’s wonderful what a baby will come through and how he will fight his way up – if just one thing is right. His food! Find the right food and the result will be smiles on baby’s face and joy in mother’s heart.
LACTOGEN never stops bringing a long procession of babies around the corner. Babies who were given good foods if only they could have digested them. Babies who cried, fretted – pined away.
And then LACTOGEN was tried and LACTOGEN made a change, for every drop of LACTOGEN is the full nourishment of pure rich milk and contains all the cream and all the vitamins. LACTOGEN is scientifically modified to be the nearest approach to mother’s milk, and is the ideal food for babies who cannot be breastfed. Mother! If you cannot feed your baby yourself, give your baby LACTOGEN.


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