Friday, 3 February 2023

Snap, Crackle & Pop

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918
CAPE TIMES - 1928 & 1933

Do you remember the slogan 
“Snap, Crackle and Pop?” 
Have a look at how old the famous Kellogg’s Rice Krispies and other cereals are!

Kellogg’s Rice Krispies
When you want to give the children a light, but satisfying meal there’s nothing better than Kellogg’s Rice Krispies. Made from kernels of wholesome rice, they are toasted to a delicious golden brown – so light they snap, crackle and pop in cold milk or cream. Children and grown-ups alike enjoy their tasty flavor and crunchy goodness. Try them today. No cooking required. Sold by all grocers in the red-and-green packet. 
(CAPE TIMES - 1933, August 5)

Old John Oats
Cooked in five minutes. The genuine Scotch porridge, prepared with a minimum of trouble. Made by John Grant & Sons, Ltd., Craig Mills, Dundee, Scotland 
(THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918, Jan.19)


Kellogg's Rice Krispies 

New – Different – Delicious

All the children are excited about this new cereal – Kellogg’s Rice Krispies. So different from anything you have ever known.

Lively little bubbles of toasted wholesome rice, that SNAP, CRACKLE AND POP as they float lightly on milk or cream. Get a packet today, mother, and give the children a real treat. No trouble at all. No cooking.

Serve direct from the packet with cold milk or cream. Sweeten with sugar if desired. At your grocer’s in the red-and-green packet – always oven-fresh – protected by the patented inner WAX-TITE bag. (CAPE TIMES - 1928, August 1)


Post Toasties
You have not tasted Corn Flakes at their best until you have eaten POST TOASTIES – a breakfast cereal with winning flavor. By a special process of cooking, rolling and toasting, the true, rich flavor of ripe Indian corn is brought out. This splendid food comes in sealed packets, air-tight and crisp. Eat with cream or milk. Delicious! Made by Meyer, Bridgens & Co., Ltd. 
(THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918, Feb. 14)

Pioneer “Crunchies” 
– South African Corn Flakes
Fresh, appetizing, wholesome, these South African Cornflakes will tempt the appetite of children who do not care for ordinary cereals. Although ready to serve, they may be prepared in a variety of ways and at any meal. 
(THE STAR Johannesburg - 1933, Aug. 31)

Read about the goodness of RICE KRISPIES as a Pre-Workout Snack @

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