1925 - 1939

Was gerus jou fyn nagrokkie van kant en sy in LUX waspoeier se dik, suiwer skuim – die sagste van alle soorte seep. LUX – gemaak deur Gebroeders Lever (SA) Beperk. (DE VOLKSTEM - 12 Oktober 1925)
LUX waspoeier is sag vir u hande, en die vrou wat met LUX werk, hoef nooit besorg te wees oor haar hande nie. Dis waarom baie mense dit selfs gebruik om skottelgoed te was. Gooi net die dun LUX diamantjies in kookwater en dit los op om dik, suiwer skuim te vorm. (DE VOLKSTEM – 24 Desember 1925)
South Africa’s sun and wind can ruin complexions.
More and more open-air South African girls are using South Africa’s own
super-lathering, pure, creamy LUX Toilet Soap – specially made to protect your
skin to keep it smooth. (CAPE TIMES - 1933, August 9)
Complexions coarsen quickly in our tropical
climate …. unless protected with white LUX Toilet Soap – specially made in
South Africa to suit South African conditions. The super-abundant lather will
guard your skin and protect it from sun and wind. (CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 19)
Use LUX to double the life of stockings. Good stockings deserve LUX to keep their strength, lengthen their life and to preserve their elasticity, attractive sheen and slim ankle fit. Perspiration acids which damage the silk will be safely removed by the pure LUX lather. (THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, July 15)
The milk-white, deliciously fragrant LUX toilet soap has all the elements your skin needs for a beauty treatment. The special lather doubly benefits your skin with a cleansing action that is both soothing and tonic. Generous, rich, emollient – it protects the skin from the harsh effects of sun and wind. At the same time, its tonic action deep-cleanses the pores, coaxing, caressing your complexion to new beauty and youthfulness. Gain a new glamour, softer, younger-looking skin by the regular use of LUX Toilet Soap – used by 9 out of 10 famous film stars, like Dorothy Lamour from Paramount. (CAPE ARGUS - 1939, February 21)
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