Thursday, 19 March 2020

MOIR’S - Jelly & Ice Cream

CAPE ARGUS - 1906, December 5 

CAPE ARGUS - 1906, December 5
Professor TR Thobs from Uitenhage, SA, Champion Endurance Club Swinger of the World, tendered his sincere thanks to Moir & Son for the benefit bestowed upon him in his last World record of 50 hours and 17 minutes. During his training and swinging in 1905, he was kept going continually with jugs of Moir’s Jelly, and therefore he recommended Moir’s Jellies very highly for any branch of Athletics whatever.

In the word Flavour rests one of the secrets that has made MOIR’S so deservedly popular. They’re rich and fruitier, full of flavour…. Made from the finest and purest ingredients …. The best always.
Jellies with the PLUS flavour, delicious fruity flavours that are daintily different …. Characteristic of the fruit itself …. Refreshing, smooth and appetising …. They taste good and are good for you. 
FreZol makes the home-made Ice Cream that created such enthusiasm …. The ice cream that people talk about …. It is delicious flavoured with a fine, smooth, velvety texture …. Delightful to the palate …. Ask your grocer for the new BUTTERSCOTCH flavour …. You’ll like it!

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 28

Famous for over fifty years!
Made from the world’s best food gelatin, Moir’s Jellies set so much quicker and never fail to set. You will find the fruitier, richer flavor in no other jelly.
The easiest dessert to make, the most delicious and appetizing for hot summer days. Each packet provides 6 generous helpings.
The Ice Cream that created such enthusiasm… the Ice Cream that people talk so much about… it is deliciously flavoured… has a fine velvety texture… good to eat and good for you… No cooking needed – just mix and freeze.

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, December 12
Preferred – The Fresh Fruity Flavours of Moir’s
FLAVOUR: In this word rests one of the secrets that has made MOIR’S do deservedly popular. They’re rich and fruitier, full of flavour…. Made from the finest and purest ingredients …. The best always.
MOIR’S JELLIES …. The Jelly with the PLUS flavour, delicious fruity flavours that are daintily different …. Characteristic of the fruit itself …. Refreshing, smooth and appetising …. They taste good and are good for you.
FREZOLL ICE CREAM POWDER …. Makes the home-made ice cream that created such enthusiasm …. The ice cream that people talk about …. It is delicious flavoured …. Has a fine, smooth, velvety texture …. Delightful to the palate …. Ask your grocer for the new BUTTERSCOTCH flavour …. You’ll like it!

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, February 17

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