Saturday, 28 December 2019

More than Conquerors

CAPE ARGUS - 1939, January 28
“Never allow a failure to be your final effort; make it a stepping stone to another attempt. Accept a defeat as a challenge to your manhood, a call to a renewed endeavor, to a firmer resolution. Let it be said of you, as it was said of one of the greatest soldiers of history, ‘He profited by defeat as other men profited by victory.’” – Colonel Edward H. Joy, Congregational Church, Rondebosch
During the Great War soldiers were wont to say that it was mental agony to fight an unseen enemy. To be shot at and not to see your assailant is to be at a tremendous disadvantage; to see him face to face is to take his measure and to know how to act. In the great spiritual warfare, which goes on for your soul you realise that your foes are not flesh and blood but the spirits of wickedness, and in your constant defeat you cry, ‘Can I overcome?’ Yes, cries the Word of God. We are more than conquerors through our faith in Christ Who loved us.” – The Rev. RW Wighton, Baptist Church, Observatory

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