Monday 25 November 2019

Detergents through the ages

To prevent infectious Diseases, disinfect your homes, business premises, Stores, etc. with Jeyes’ Special Fluid Cyllin, the most Powerful Non-Poisonous Disinfectant known to Science. 3d. worth will do the same work as One Gallon Carbolic Acid.
CAPE ARGUS - 1906, December 5

Sunlight soap stands for Cleanliness. Clothes worn by little children should always be washed with pure soap.
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1918, February 9

Try it in your bath, to clean your toilet, for household purposes, to soften water, to wash your hair, to end itchy insect bites, to let your nickel items shine again, to clean carpets and clothes. Available at all Grocery stores and Pharmacies.
DE VOLKSTEM - 1925, December 31

MIN  – The HalfMINute Polish
You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble by using MIN, the halfMINute polish. In about 30 seconds MIN gives a beautiful finish for the Piano and all highly-polished Furniture. MIN also gives a lustrous sparkle to Glazed Tiles, cleans and polishes Porcelain enamel Baths and Basins and makes it so easy to keep White Enamel Paint spotless.
THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, July 26

VIM - A Sparkling Home all over – But no Spoiled Surfaces!
You’d like your home to be the envy of your friends? You’d like a polished gleam in every room? You’d like to keep surfaces safe, unscratched? Well, just say: “JIM! VIM!” – and say it often!
VIM cleanses twice as well in half the time! It whisks away grease and dirt so smoothly – leaves a brilliant shine behind, with never a scratch. You see, VIM has a double action in cleaning. The dirt is first loosened and then held in a soapy foam ready for one easy rinse to remove it all. VIM’s surface-saving cleaning makes things sparkle and keep on sparkling. Today, make this easy test. Just go round the house; look at the kitchen – the floor, the sink, the table, pots and pans. Look at the bathroom – the tiles, the bath and basin. Then VIM the lot. You’ll have a brand-new home in no time! Try it and see!
CAPE ARGUS - 1939, February 6

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Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...