Monday 7 October 2019

Indoor Vegetable Patches

CAPE ARGUS - 1951, November 3
Scientists, growing a variety of flowers, fruit and vegetables under artificial light in a Dutch laboratory, are convinced that the world food shortage can be ended by the general introduction of this indoor all-the-year-round cultivation.
The ‘Daily Herald’ reports that experiments are going on at Eindhoven on the rapid growth at all seasons of many plants. They are grown under a battery of fluorescent lamps with a small amount of ultra-violet light added to kill bacteria. The scientists have produced tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries at all seasons and have developed petunias – normally an annual plant – that flower continuously for six years.
These scientists believe that in 10 years this system could feed Holland’s 10 000 000 population. It has been established that many plants require not more than 9 to 10 hours of light in every 24 and that by controlling the amount of light they receive they can be brought to ripeness at any time of the year.

Interesting to see a modern view of this principle at

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