Sunday, 11 August 2019

Too Skinny? Too Fat? Use a Corset!

THE STAR - 1918 & 1935

It’s a Shame to be Skinny – Add 5 to 15 pounds Fast!
Thousands have gained Attractive Flesh this new easy way – in just a few weeks!
Although doctors for years have prescribed YEAST to build up health, with this new Ironized Yeast in pleasant little tablets, you can put on Pounds of Firm Flesh and Enticing Curves in a far shorter time. Not only are thousands quickly gaining Beauty-Bringing Pounds, but also Clear Skin, Freedom from Indigestion and Constipation, New Pep.
Ironized Yeast is made from specially cultured Brewers’ Ale Yeast imported from Europe – the richest yeast known, 7 times more concentrated and powerful.
Day after day, as you take Ironized Yeast tablets, watch Flat Chest Develop, Skinny Limbs Round Out Attractively and Skin Clear to Beauty. Those Scrawny Hollows and Unsightly Bones will speedily change to Lovely Alluring Curves – you will be an Entirely New Person in just a few short weeks!
(THE STAR - 1935, July 30)

“Middle age spread” or FAT?
The one thing that makes any woman look middle aged is excess fat. Some women never seem to grow older, and if you’ll notice, those are the women who keep their slender, youthful figures – who keep their youthful pep and vitality. Fat is the foe of beauty, the hallmark of middle age. And fat is unnecessary. Science has discovered a simple, easy way that supplies the same normal element that the body itself uses to control excess weight. Thousands of women are using Marmola every day. Moderation helps, of course, but starvation diets and strenuous exercise are not necessary. When you take four tablets a day, you will be delighted at how well you feel and will hardly believe your eyes when you see the hated fat disappear. Stop when you reach the weight you desire. It is so simple and easy that you will regret that you did not do it months or even years ago.  (THE STAR - 1935, August 6)

Corsets to make you look 10 to 20 Pounds Lighter
Every woman who is inclined to Fleshiness, who feels that she is Losing her Graceful Contour, will find the solution of her Corseting Problem in W.B. Elastine Reduso Corsets. It Instantly Reduces Hips, Waist & Bust one to five inches, and makes you appear ten to twenty pounds lighter. It is a comfortable and beautiful corset without complicated contrivances.
It can reduce an Over-Stout Figure to Fashionable and Youthful Lines. Corsets are made for all types of stout figures – the Tall Stout, the Short Stout, and the Stout of Medium Height.
(THE STAR - 1918, March 12)

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