Thursday, 1 August 2019

More Paper salvaged in Peninsula

CAPE ARGUS - 1951, November 19

More paper than ever was being salvaged in the Cape Peninsula in 1951, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of the public seemed to have forgotten all about the paper-saving campaign. 
An official of the City Council’s Cleansing Department said that housewives did not contribute to this improved salvage figures, as most of them mixed their wet waste with paper and bundled it all indiscriminately into their garbage cans.
The improvement was due to the better methods of salvage being used by the authorities themselves. The Cleansing Department had 5 new motor vehicles in service and ordered another 7 vehicles to be delivered within the next 6 weeks. Each vehicle had a separate compartment for waste paper. The ordinary refuse vehicles could not be used for special space for paper, as paper, when tightly packed, was heavier than the other garbage, and made the vehicles lean over at a dangerous angle.
The officer said that they were collecting up to about 6 000 pounds of paper daily, or between 15 and 20 tons a week. It could be much more if the public would only be more co-operative.

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