Tuesday, 30 July 2019

GERMOLENE Aseptic Skin Ointment - 1925 & 1928

DE VOLKSTEM - 1925, 15 October
Already in 1925 GERMOLENE Aseptic Skin Ointment had been advertised for treatment of Rash, Eczema, Ulcers, Sunburn, Leg Troubles, Cuts, Scalds, Ringworm, Burns, etc.
Many satisfied clients gave feedback of the splendid benefit they have derived from Germolene. It is interesting to see the Dutch influence on the Afrikaans language in the following advertisement.
Mrs. Ashworth’s face was completely covered with a rash and blisters, and she felt relief after the first application. Even the itchy Hemorrhoids that had been bothering her for 3 years had been cured.

In an advertisement in the CAPE TIMES (1928, July 19) Mrs. Dale from Southborough, England, wrote that she had suffered from a terribly ulcerated leg for 5 years and that she had been informed that she might lose her leg, if not her life. Her leg had been completely healed for upwards of 4 months. She said that she would never tire of singing the praise of the wonderful Germolene Ointment.


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Cape Town’s new £22 000 Broadcasting Station at Milnerton

 CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 18 The Cape and Peninsula Broadcasting Association started Cape Town’s first Broadcasting Station on September 15, ...