Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Epic Journey in a MORRIS MINOR from LONDON to CAPE TOWN

THE CAPE TIMES - 1933, July 14

THE STAR Johannesburg - 1935, August 8
Two Englishmen, CAMERON GILG & WALTER KAY, met in 1933 to start driving a MORRIS MINOR TOURER from Liverpool to Cape Town. They drove from ENGLAND across EUROPE through the SAHARA DESERT to CAPE TOWN. This was the first light car to complete an epic journey like this. In the Sahara Desert they met another Morris Minor, a two-seater piloted by Mr. ALAN COOPER & Mr. WALSH who were going in the other direction, Nairobi to London. These two Morris Minors were the first 8 h.p. cars of any type to cross the Sahara.
Please visit to have a look at the route they followed.

On 8 July 1933 Messrs. A Gilg and W Kay arrived in Cape Town at the end of their epic journey from Liverpool. The photo shows the excellent condition in which their Morris Minor reached Cape Town. 

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