Wednesday, 17 April 2019

USS Akron Wrecked

CAPE TIMES - April 5, 1933
The USS Akron had its maiden voyage on Nov. 2, 1931, with its main role to scout for enemy ships and submarines. During a full-blown thunderstorm during the night of April 3-4, 1933, the ship crashed into the stormy Atlantic. Sadly, of the 76 people on-board, only 3 survived. Most had died of exposure or drowning in the turbulent and freezing cold sea. Incredibly, the Akron had not been equipped with life jackets. 

More interesting facts about the USS Akron
  • It was 785 feet long - over three times longer than a Boeing 747 airliner. 
  • Nearly seven and half million cubic feet of volume was displaced.
  • It had four starboard propellers and the engines’ water reclaiming devices appear as white strips above each propeller.
  • The emergency rear control cabin is visible in the lower fin.
  • It could carry up to five small fighter-reconnaissance aircraft.
  • The plane was launched and retrieved via a trapeze-style mechanism.
  • Bristled with 8 heavy machine guns, it had a crew of 60.
  • Range of nearly 7,000 miles.
  • With a top speed of 79 miles per hour, it was twice as fast as the latest American Lexington-class aircraft carriers.

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